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Chad A. Norcross

Chad A. Norcross


Thomas M. Cooley Law School, Lansing, MI.
Juris Doctor Degree, Litigation Concentration, May 2001 – Class Rank = Top 1/3
Honors: Dean’s List; Certificate of Merit: Law Practice
Activities: Intra-School Moot Court Competition – Winner both rounds

The University of Texas, Arlington, Texas
Bachelor of Arts, Interdisciplinary (Criminal Justice; Business & Philosophy) December 94
Honors: Dean’s List

My Practice Areas: Residential Real Estate and Civil Litigation

Residential Real Estate and Legal Experience

Agency and Fiduciary Relationships

Represented hundreds of buyers, sellers, and government entities. Prepared and reviewed contracts, addendums, disclosures, and settlement statements. Reviewed legal titles, surveys, inspection reports, credit reports, financial data, tax assessments, residential appraisals, city ordinances, mortgage underwriting, and closing conditions. Conducted residential real estate closings.

Negotiations and Management

Negotiated contracts with other real estate agents and brokers. Conducted meetings with staff and sales associates concerning state and federal regulations. Purchased, renovated, and sold hundreds of residential properties. Managed and leased properties. Owned and managed real estate offices. Represented my companies in court and other administrative proceedings. Previously owned and managed law firm consisting of eight (8) attorneys; the firm handles civil and criminal litigation. Previously owned and managed title company.


Listed, purchased, and sold over 500 residential properties.

Communication, Counseling, Education & Training, and Presentations:

Conducted training programs. Drafted newsletters and marketing materials. Organized and conducted educational seminars. Counseled hundreds of buyers and sellers. Provided numerous speeches and presentations to a variety of audiences.

Mortgage/Eviction and Other Real Estate Related Litigation:

In the wake of the mortgage crisis to the present date – represented hundreds of borrowers for wrongful foreclosure claims against lenders and government entities, and provided eviction defense. In my career, obtained temporary restraining orders preventing foreclosures on over 75 residential homes throughout the metroplex. Handled between 75 – 100 residential evictions from Justice Court through appeal to the County Court at Law, and over 50 cases removed to Federal Court. Reasonably successful litigation results in state cases removed to federal court with settlements favorable to borrowers, along with most borrowers obtaining substantial economic benefits because of the litigation. Also well versed in other areas of residential real estate, such as suits to quiet title, petitions to partition, adverse possession, etc.

Employment History

06/03 – Present: Attorney / Managing Owner, CHAD A. NORCROSS d/b/a NORCROSS LAW, Frisco, Tx.
03/10 – 07/11: Fee Attorney, ATTORNEYS TITLE COMPANY, Dallas, Tx.
11/03 – 03/10: Fee Attorney, STEWART TITLE COMPANY, Dallas, Tx.
07/07 – 11/11: President, NORTH TEXAS BAR ASSOCIATION, Dallas, Tx.
02/02 – 06/03: Real Estate and Legal Consultant, LONESTAR INVESTMENTS, Plano, Tx.
11/01 – 02/02: Real Estate Closer, TITLE TEMPS, Dallas, Tx.
01/92 – 12/98: Real Estate Broker / Owner, GOVERNMENT REALTORS, Dallas, Tx.
05/91 – 01/92: Real Estate Agent, RE/MAX REALTORS, Duncanville, Tx.
04/89 – 05/91: President / Agent, CHAMPIONS UNLIMITED, INC. Duncanville, Tx.
06/88 – 04/89: Real Estate Agent, CENTURY 21 & KP INVESTMENTS, Dallas, Tx.
10/87 – 06/88: Real Estate Agent, ERA, REAL ESTATE, Dallas, Tx. 1
02/86 – 10/87: Real Estate Agent, REALTY WORLD, Dallas, Tx.

Admitted to Practice in the Following Courts
  • U.S. Federal District Court for the Eastern District of Texas & Bankruptcy Court
  • U.S. Federal District Court for the Northern District of Texas & Bankruptcy Court
  • U.S. Federal Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit
  • Licensed attorney by the Texas Supreme Court, State Bar No. 24039513

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9288 Wichita Trail
Frisco, Texas 75033

Tel: 214-368-9300 – DFW
Fax: 877-846-3149

Hours of Operation
Monday: 8:00am – 5:00pm
Tuesday: 8:00am – 5:00pm
Wednesday: 8:00am – 5:00pm
Thursday: 8:00am – 5:00pm
Friday: 8:00am – 5:00pm
Saturday: 1:00pm – 5:00pm
Sunday: 1:00pm – 5:00pm

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